Imaging a Safer Future

Slider loader

By imaging bridge deck tops, roadways, and airport runways, we identify deficient features and report them to structural owners.

Traditionally, hammer sounding, chain drag, and visual inspections are implemented by qualified engineers for concrete evaluations, but these methods require substantial field labor, experience, and costly lane closures. Our technologies rule out lane closures completely by operating at highway speeds.

Based on an internal analyses and collaborative research, we estimate our scanning methods save anywhere from 20% to 30% of total time (in man hours) and funds spent on inspection projects, depending on the nature of the project.

Give us a call to see how much your team can save on its next structural evaluation.

Bridge Decks, Highways, and Airport Runways

  • • Increase highway worker safety. We can reduce the number of lives taken on the job.
  • • Response to aging infrastructure. Backlogs begone!
  • • Speedy Results. DTSS can operate at up to 70mph.
  • • Maintain Accurate Records. Refer back to detailed, objective reports.

Lane closure time

0 hours

Average savings


Time saved


Total area scanned


Needs for US bridges (ASCE)

$123 Billion

We created a new market by providing a new service.

Mr. Masao Ogura

Solutions for Transportation Surfaces


No other tunnel inspection service provider can offer the same level of service and analysis capabilities at the rate we do.

The Tunnel Scanning System (TSS) enables infrared and visual surveys with precision and speed. Find and map leakage, cracking, efflorescence, spalling, and more.

We can capture railway, subway, and highway tunnel data. The system is customizable to suit various environments.

Railway, Subway, and Highway Tunnels

  • • Find defects in tunnel liner and record their information.
  • • Scan miles of data in short closure periods.
  • • Reduce project costs by cutting down on labor hours.
  • • Access reports and deficiency maps anytime, anywhere on our website.
  • • Use digital records to compare conditions over annual/biannual periods

Service interruption

0 hours

Average savings


Time saved


Total length scanned

>50 miles

Railway modernization cost (ASCE)

$27.1 Billion

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

Mr. Leonard Cohen

Solutions for Tunnel Surfaces


Inspectors often need to rappel down building facades or hop into bucket trucks just to access their target surface. Not only are these practices time consuming, but they lead to long and tedious labor hours.

Our long-distance and high-resolution imaging platforms, ACS and U3S, are able to serve the civil industry by finding and mapping deficiencies without the hassle.

A collection of images helps owners maintain visual records of the structures that can be used to track the evolution of deficient findings over time.

Dams, Bridge Components, Buildings, and Facilities

  • • Conventional visual inspections have a surprising amount of variability
  • • Take visual and infrared data from anywhere within 500ft of the target structure
  • • Map specific quantities of cracking, spalling, leakage, and more
  • • Integrate the data into asset management platforms (including CAD software)
  • • Obtain legal records of a structure post-construction.

Detection Accuracy


Client satisfaction


Average savings


Time saved


Total area scanned


The future is hidden even from those who make it.

Mr. Anatole France

Solutions for Structural Surfaces


NEXCO-West USA serves clients in the civil engineering sector by researching a wide variety of subjects. These have included current trends in non-destructive evaluation (NDE) applications, new highway product developments, transportation policy analysis, and tolling system management.

With an expanding portfolio of long and short-term research contracts, we have collected a wealth of knowledge that benefits clients in Japan and the US. Our deep ties with these clients also puts us in a strong place for market entry consultation, as the knowledge gathered for clients can often facilitate their first steps into the Japanese or US market.

Reach out to us regarding specialty topics in bridge maintenance, road rehabilitation, sound barriers, DOT policies, and much more.

Civil Engineering Research

  • • Get insight on the emergence of new NDE technology.
  • • Learn about how federal and state agencies are funding inspection and repair work.
  • • Gather information about transportation products like weigh-in motion stations or sound barriers.
  • • Receive special reports on the performance of repair materials like fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) use.

Client satisfaction


Number of clients

>30 clients

Research focuses

>50 topics

Relevant events per year

>15 events

Bilingual staff (Japanese-English)

>5 team members

Wisdom is the daughter of experience.

Leonardo Da Vinci


The development of transportation systems is a wildly evolving topic. Understanding the movements made by vendors of with new technology, transportation agencies, and political bodies is critical to sustaining continual success in your current market.

Over the past decade, we have provided valuable research reports on emergency management, highway asset management, roadway products, and roadway work vehicles to our clients.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) especially has been a topic of great interest to NEXCO and our clients. With a contemporary, global view of these topics, we provide clients with opinions on their strategic questions. Stay proactive in the developments of transportation technologies and policies as a recipient of our ongoing research efforts.

Intelligent Systems Research

  • • Receive executive reports on events covering transportation systems.
  • • Collect relevant information on news in the ITS industry.
  • • Keep up with the tides of policy changes and funding allotments.
  • • Learn about intelligent tolling systems.

Client satisfaction


Number of clients

>30 clients

Research focuses

>50 topics

Relevant events per year

>15 events

Bilingual staff (Japanese-English)

>5 team members

No research without action, no action without research.

Kurt Lewin


Feasibility studies and eventual market entry success starts with an understanding of baseline regulations laid out by governing agencies. To smoothly navigate cross-border activity in vastly different political environments, NEXCO serves clients in researching procedural standards in the civil engineering and transportation markets. For example, the standards for repairing pre-stressed concrete bridge members.

Many potentially beneficial startup technologies fail in early stages of their implementation due to legal and regulatory boundaries. In the US, individual States can act almost as individual countries when it comes to the standards that are set for engineering projects. Japanese regulations can be very difficult to understand from an outside perspective.

As an engineering firm that has navigated through the complexities of international regulatory differences in utilizing foreign technology, NEXCO is adept in summarizing what it takes to help you achieve your business goals.

Standards and Regulations Research

  • • Receive in-depth reports or executive summaries on what industry standards matter for you business.
  • • Do not be fooled or surprised after entering the US or Japanese market: know what to expect.
  • • Back your entry with the testimonies of our professional network.
  • • Know how business differs in different states.

Client satisfaction


Number of clients

>30 clients

Research focuses

>50 topics

Relevant events per year

>15 events

Bilingual staff (Japanese-English)

>5 team members

Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.

Albert Einstein


The Japanese market holds phenomenal potential for your products and services, but it is one that requires careful navigation. As the majority owner of Japan's highway infrastructure, NEXCO-West is in a perfect position to guide your journey in the civil and transportation markets.

In addition to increasing your sales potential, you will find that Japan is an excellent place to further enhance your brand, as other countries will look to Japan when seeking out new technologies or studying the successful implementation of new methods into standard practice.

To discuss how NEXCO can guide your first steps in the Japanese market, go to our contact page to set up a meeting.

Japanese Market Entry

  • • Work with industry experts. Get to know what the civil market is like in Japan.
  • • Let communication flow. Allow our bilingual staff to translate or interpret.
  • • Learn how your products and services can find a home in Japan.
  • • Enter with confidence and reduce entry risk with thorough preliminary investigations.

Client satisfaction


Revenue for US clients


Number of clients

>10 clients

Market segments served

>10 segments

Bilingual staff (Japanese-English)

>5 team members

Into the field of Yellow flowers The red setting sun!

Natsume Soseki


NEXCO originally entered the US market in 2011, and have since studied what it takes for an engineering company to make it in the US. Combining our knowledge of the transportation market, standards of operation, and client analysis, we serve clients from Japan who wish to start their business in the States.

Our introductory services include consultation on strategic matters, logistics, market tendencies, past experience with clients, and basic legal requirements. In addition, we have a team of graphic designers and marketing specialists who can help design your corporate image through your website, handouts, document templates, and other branding materials.

The US is a great, complex mix of cultures, languages, and worldviews. It cannot be easily understood from one single angle. Knowing how to promote your services and products in a diverse way to reach a diverse audience is a necessary element to initial success. Because there is no one guaranteed method for US market entry, allow us to offer the insight you will need to get started.

U.S. Market Entry

  • • Learn the specifics about starting a business on US soil.
  • • Obtain assistance with setting up an enticing corporate image. Establish your brand.
  • • Gain insight on industry trends, project emergence, and other news that pertain to your business.
  • • Set achievable goals and we can reach them together, including that elusive "first sale".

Client satisfaction


Revenue for Japanese clients


Number of clients

>10 clients

Market segments served

>10 segments

Bilingual staff (Japanese-English)

>5 team members

Too many people think only of their own profit. But business opportunity seldom knocks on the door of self-centered people. No customer ever goes to a store merely to please the storekeeper.

Kazuo Inamori


Infrared thermography has been in use for many decades, but only recently (the past two decades) has the introduction of cooled-sensor cameras changed the scope of this NDE technique. Without cooled sensors, mobile and long-range applications were not feasible. Trainees will learn the advantages of these cameras with respect to structural inspection.

Participants will acquire knowledge about our IRT technology techniques and software so that they may find a method which suits their business model. Alongside trained instructors, they will learn to find defects in structural surfaces, then process that data into a meaningful report.

With two levels of training, basic and advanced, we are able to except trainees of varying backgrounds, including those who are already using IRT in their applications. The basic training covers how to take data in the field while considering client requests and environmental factors. The advanced training focuses more on data acquisition types and how these feed into generating reports with automation during post-processing.

IRT Training

  • • Enter into basic or advanced level courses to suit your experience level.
  • • Experience the difference between cooled and uncooled sensors firsthand.
  • • Work with experienced instructors in the field and during data processing.
  • • Review IR data and find signatures that indicate delamination.

Past trainees

>60 trainees

Average training length

2 weeks

Number of camera models

>5 types

Experienced instructors

>4 instructors

When the atmosphere encourages learning, the learning is inevitable.

Elizabeth Foss


The integration of visual recordings into modern structural practice is a monumental achievement for the field of civil engineering. By taking pictures with resolution high enough to maintain historical records of surface conditions, we can gain better understandings of life cycle predictions. This works by comparing the visual records from one year to the next, and calculating the total change in crack propagation.

To collect and maintain valid data sets, the data integrity of each scanning procedure must be upheld. Knowledge about lighting conditions, camera settings, shooting angle, photographic image correction all play into the creation of a valid data set.

By capturing visual images, there are many birds killed with a single stone. For example, a visual image set can serve as a reference for an IR data set. At the same time, it can be used for crack detection. Also, it becomes a perfect legal reference for post-construction, as the condition of the structure can be tracked accurately over time since its birth.

In fact, visual imaging kills so many birds with one stone, it would not be practical to list them all here, but hopefully you get the picture (pun intended). Join us to learn how you can make use of this continually developing technology for your inspection work.

HD Visual Training

  • • Learn about lighting conditions, camera settings, shooting angle, photographic image correction.
  • • Learn to detect cracks down to 0.2mm widths in different environments.
  • • Practice image stitching to create deficiency maps.
  • • Obtain legal records of a structure post-construction.

Past trainees

>60 trainees

Average training length

2 weeks

Number of camera models

>5 types

Experienced instructors

>4 instructors

Legal records captured

>3 structures

A camera is a save button for the mind's eye

Rogu Kingston


NEXCO-West USA provides technical training in the use of NDE technology for structural inspections. Invest in your most valuable resource, human capital, by participating in our two week technical sessions, or our long term job training programs.

By participating in the combined IRT and HD technology course, trainees will get insight on the advantages of using non-direct and rapid scanning methods for structural inspection. They acquire knowledge about our software packages, IrSUITE, JeSUITE, and Kuraves, as well as the various sensors on the market available to them.

Field training takes place with trained instructors at places with known surface and sub-surface deficiencies. Trainees will get first-hand experience in not only finding this data, but capturing it in a way that is conducive to building scaled deficiency maps.

IRT + HD Training

  • • IR and HD visual imaging are the only two NDE detection methods that can rapidly scan complete surfaces.
  • • Create robust reports for clients by giving them descriptive and accurate visual aids.
  • • Use your time effectively in the field by picking up more than just written observations.
  • • Learn basic to advanced photography and photogrammetry techniques.
  • • Get certified in the use of NDE methods to boost your resume.

Past trainees

>60 trainees

Average training length

2 weeks

Number of camera models

>5 types

Experienced instructors

>4 instructors

Time saved


Every object in the Universe with a temperature above absolute zero radiates infrared, so this part of the spectrum contains a great deal of information.

Frank Low
